David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Ferdinand will be able to help with the preparation of the first
release candidate. He will prepare the Windows release and i will
do the UNIX release.

However, he will be away on Friday which is the day that we
have planned for the second release candidate, if necessary.
Also we may need help for tomorrow's Windows build.

Is there another committer on Windows that can help?

I can do that.

Thanks. Do you have a PGP key for signing the release? If so,
then you need to add that to the forrest/trunk/KEYS file.
If not, then i suppose that you can build the *.zip release
for Windows and i can sign it and do the MD5 sum.

No problem, I can sign them.

I just realised though, I am out of the office in the afternoon (GMT) of Friary. I can still do the build, but it cannot be any later than 12 noon GMT. I don't suppose this is a problem.


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