We are getting close now. Following the svn commits and the
etc/RELEASE_PROCESS.txt you see what i have been doing today.

We are up to the stage of waiting for the mirrors to update.

Would someone else please send the announcement. However,
you need to wait until the website is updated and the
distribution mirrors are ready.

See etc/announce.txt for a template to get you started.

The mirrors part is easy, just watch http://www.apache.org/mirrors/
and decide when is a fair tradeoff. The main eu.apache.org mirror
received it at UTC 02:00 (so 6.5 hours ago).

The website part was tricky, but should now automatically happen.
It is rsynced from people.apache.org every two hours. After the
last run i did ssh people.apache.org and removed everything,
then did a new 'svn co' of forrest/site repository. So on the
next run we should have our shiny new website. That should be
around one hour away.

Thanks Ferdinand, the re-organisation of the docs that we put
so much effort into, has really paid off.

We probably need to add more rules in the top-level .htaccess file.

There are a few other things to finish off in RELEASE_PROCESS.txt
Can someone else do those, e.g. Jira needs tweaks.

I am away out to dinner and cards tonight. Celebratration time.


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