Tim Williams wrote:
> Tim Williams wrote:
> > I've tested the RC1 and found no major issues. Some trivial things I saw 
> > were:
> > 
> > -- Tab not highlighting
> >  I'm not sure if this qualifies as a bug but I found it odd that
> > clicking on the "Versioned Docs" tab doesn't highlight that tab --
> > meaning you click on it and essentially lose context of where the
> > subtabs are.  This appears to be the case in both Firefox and IE.
> > Perhaps it's always existed and just struck me as odd this time I do
> > not know.
> This one is documented in FOR-209 -- sorry should have looked prior to
> making my comments.

Hmmm, Tim i don't see your original email. The archives don't show it either.

Would you either point me to it or send it again please.


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