I tested rc3 on Mac OS X. Java 1.4.2_05

The usual things worked well and i also did the DocBook/XSL test
and the "Download DTD" example. I have not yet tried the forrestbot.

However i had some trouble with deploying a webapp under a full Jetty.

The default seed site my-project.war was okay, but the war from
site-author was broken with a Cocoon error ...
request-uri: /forrest/index.html
/private/tmp/Jetty__36366__forrest/webapp/project/skinconf.xml (No such file or 

I wonder if some configuration is not being handled, because
our skinconf.xml is at a non-standard location.

Another issue: The core DTDs are fine, but additional DTDs are not
being handled via a webapp, e.g. the "Download DTD" example or
DTDs from plugins.


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