out of curiousity, is there something that explains what a "zone" is
at a higher level than the "solaris-zones" doc that David pointed to
above?  Just an explanation of what it's for, is it a testbed? live
demo site? or what?  What are/will be the benefit to non-committers if

On 6/30/05, Ross Gardler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > I have done the next step in setting up some services on our zone.
> >
> > There is now a forrestbot running there to build the current "seed site".
> > Just the cron side of forrestbot for the moment. The forrestbot web 
> > interface
> > is the next thing to set up.
> >
> > There are cron jobs to automatically refresh the trunk every hour:
> > 'svn update; cd main; build clean; build'
> > and then generate the seed site. That works nicely.
> >
> > The result is at forrest.zones.apache.org ... point your browser
> > at the /ft/build/ directory (shorthand for forrestbot-trunk).
> Superb, thanks David.
> > I still need to figure out how to send mail if something fails.
> > Thorsten/Antonio: have the Lenya/Cocoon people been able to
> > send mail from their zone.
> The Daisy install on the Cocoon zone is sending mails. Steven Noels set
> this up, and I believe he documented it somewhere in their zone.
> > If other comitters want to look behind-the-scenes:
> > ssh forrest.zones.apache.org
> > cd /export/home/config
> > cat README.txt
> >
> > More later ...
> Again, thanks David, I hope to dive in there next week.
> Thorsten, has there been any progress on a Lenya instance for Doco, I'd
> like to set up an instance of Forrest over there to publish from Lenya
> (actually Daisy in the first instance since that is what I have working,
> but I am hoping this will show the way for a Lenya integration).
> Ross

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