On Saturday 30 July 2005 4:38 pm, Ross Gardler wrote:
> > o naming and terminology: what is a view? what is a template? given the
> > same content (generated by some "template"), are there different "views"
> > for each output type?
> This was discussed at the hackathon, and I just sent a mail to help us
> agree terminology.

Its looking great, thanks! Once polished, we can push it into the docs (or 
work on it more on the Wiki, as I have proposed) :)

> > o unification: most of the work on views so far has focused on XHTML.
> > again, i'm having a hard time envisioning a unified framework that
> > integrates all input/output formats.
> This was touched on at ApacheCon. in fact it was pointed out that the
> current way of defining a view can't be reused in other formats as it
> has the concept of head and body hard coded whilst other formats don't
> have them (text for example) or have a more complex representation of
> them (FO for example).
> I agree that this is an extremely important issue that we need to
> address sooner rather than later. In my view this fits into the
> configuration point above - would you agree?

Perhaps. I'm still not sure whats the best way to structure this. My first 
instinct tells me that a contract should be output independent -- that is, 
once I include a siteinfo-copyright contract in my view, for instance, 
irrespective of what output format I use (XHTML, text, pdf), it should 
generate the appropriate expected content. In this view, then, each contract 
must provide suitable implementations for different output types (which is 
where I figured the "type=" field in contract definition would be used).

Let keep the discussion flowing.

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