On 8/27/05, Thorsten Scherler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-08-28 at 05:25 +0200, Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 23:13 -0400, Tim Williams wrote:
> > > On 8/27/05, Thorsten Scherler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 09:04 -0400, Tim Williams wrote:
> > > > > Does any actually have the select exists working with locationmap?
> > > > > I'm trying based on the syntax difference that Unico described in a
> > > > > previous mail but it looks like the SourceResolver used in
> > > > > SourceExistsSelector is null when it gets there.  I'd like to be able
> > > > > to confirm whether this is a simple syntax goof on my part or
> > > > > something else.  If anyone does have it working can you post a copy of
> > >
> > > Yeah, I've got the selector working properly.  The components weren't
> > > being "serviced" after creation.  This was resolved with:
> > > http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOR-576
> > >
> >
> > Then I have another problem I guess.
> >
> Hmm, I have read it again and actually it sound actually like the same
> problem. Weired.
> > > If you post your locationmap maybe I could help out.  I tried it
> > > multiple ways as I recall and can hopefully help get this working for
> > > you...
> >
> > Cheers, that is awesome.
> >
> I forgot:
> <locationmap xmlns="http://apache.org/forrest/locationmap/1.0";>
>   <components>
>     <matchers default="lm">
>       <matcher name="lm"
> src="org.apache.forrest.locationmap.WildcardLocationMapHintMatcher"/>
>     </matchers>
>     <actions default="RecursiveDirectoryTraversalAction">
>       <action name="RecursiveDirectoryTraversalAction"
> src="org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.view.acting.RecursiveDirectoryTraversalAction"/>
>     </actions>
>     <selectors default="exists">
>             <selector name="exists"
> src="org.apache.forrest.sourceexists.SourceExistsSelector" />
>           </selectors>
>   </components>
>   <locator>
>     <match pattern="views/**">
>       <select type="exists">
>         <!-- File-based -->
>         <location src="{1}{project:theme-ext}" />
>               <act type="RecursiveDirectoryTraversalAction">
>                 <parameter value="{1}" name="request"/>
>                 <parameter value="{project:theme}" name="projectFallback"/>
>                 <parameter value="{project:theme-ext}"
> name="projectExtension"/>
>                 <parameter value="{project:content.xdocs}" name="projectDir"/>
>           <!-- Directory-based / Parent-directory based (recursively)
> -->
>                 <location src="{uri}" />
>               </act>
>         <!-- Theme based -->
>         <location
> src="{defaults:view-themes}/{project:theme}{project:theme-ext}" />
>         <!-- Application Default -->
>         <location
> src="{defaults:view-themes}/{defaults:theme}{defaults:theme-ext}" />
>       </select>
>     </match>
>   </locator>
> </locationmap>

Out of quick curiousity, have you taken the 'act' out of this and seen
if the "exists" selector will work against the "location"'s alone? 
That might allow us to narrow it down.  I'm going to have to read up
on actions as I think they're subtley different than other sitemap

I've admitted before but perhaps not to you -- I'm not a 'Cocooner' so
it takes me some time to study up on each aspect of cocoon-related
things.  This gives me reason to go deep on Actions but I'm just
warning that you may well find it before me.

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