Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
> Finally found some time to download an test RC2.
> What I found:
> Install
> Only minor documentation stuff:
> ./index.html
> - I'd really like it to mention that you should be online when you first
>   run forrest after install so that the plugins can be downloaded.

That was a scheduled issue leading up to the release.
We added a note to the f.a.o/index.html but not to
the $FORREST_HOME/index.html quickstart. Would someone
please do it for next time.

> Site-Author
> Runs and compiles well.
> Only minor content issues:
> ./index.html
> - The text in the box is misleading: "16 April 2007 Forrest-0.8
>   released: Features the Locationmap. (More)" suggests that you learn
>   more about locationmaps but takes you to the download.

That message box is brand new. One could also interpret
the "More" link to mean more about the actual release.
We can tweak all this type of stuff immediately after
the release for the online docs.

> - we still have a loss of context opening this document (the menu
>   collabses and doesn't show which part of the site it open) through the
>   download-menu item.

Yep, not sure why. Perhaps because we must use an
"external" URL for that entry in site.xml navigation.
Would be good to fix after the release, but not sure
if it is possible.

> Sample Site
> Here is a more serious issue:
> Using Java 1.5 and a german Windows XP Pro Forrest will generate the
> seed site ok and w/o error. But the site is empty and content is in
> site/de/... and when I open index html I get the menu headings and tabs
> in German ("?ber" instead of "About") while menu items and texts are in
> English.
> Same when I Forrest run the new project.

This is the way that the i18n internationalisation
works now. For me with English as my default locale
it generates in build/site/en/
Regarding the content, i expect if you provided
German source (e.g. index.de.xml) then it should work.
