David Crossley wrote:

Michael Wechner wrote:
Thorsten Scherler wrote:
Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

If nobody has any objections I'd apply this fix to .8 and head as well
next week.
I did not know that the 0.7 branch is the version where we do such
Please, do bugfixes in trunk and not in such old branches such as 0.7.
You are the only person that I know that is fixing stuff in an already
released and antique version.
well, I guess there are people still using 0.7 version and for those people
it probably makes sense, right? Or how much does it take to upgrade from 0.7 to trunk version?

Not much effort. If they use their own sitemaps or private
plugins, then there are some tweaks needed. See upgrading doc.

It is much more important to fix stuff in trunk!
is the same patch applicable on trunk? It seems to me that Ferdinand wants
to apply the same fix to trunk as well as he wrote above or do I misunderstand something?

I reckon that it is the wrong way around. We should fix
such bugs in trunk, and then apply the proven and reviewed fix
to the branch that needed it. Hopefully only the immediate
past release, but wherever the committer or patch contributor
needs it.

Doing it in the branch first is dangerous. People would
be likely to be using it directly in production.

I for one am not keen to fire up a copy of 0.7 just to
review a fix. I already have a 0.9-dev seed running
here so it is easier.

We have the forrestbot running every hour on our zone
server to do continuous testing via the seed-sample.
It only keeps trunk up-to-date, so does not test any branches.

I understand, but I think it's also important to understand the other side.

If one uses an old version and doesn't have the resources (time, money, knowledge, functionality, ...) to upgrade to a newer version (in the case of Forrest this might be simple, but there is other software which takes a lot of resources to upgrade if you customized it and also be aware "simple" is always relative), then it makes a lot of sense to fix this older version.

I think it's important that devs are understanding this.

Again just my 2 cents



Michael Wechner
Wyona      -   Open Source Content Management   -    Apache Lenya
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