Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
> Thanks for that pointer David. Cyriaque actually fixed the same bug in a
> different way. So no need to apply this to other versions.
> > This seems like a strange place to be handling processing
> > instructions and xml comments. The FOR-555 indicate that
> > there is a wider issue.
> Did look at FOR-555 and my understanding was that it was meant to remove
> namespaces that had wormed their way into the final output.

No. Removing namespaces was an earlier issue. See the comments
in main/webapp/sitemap.xmap where the transformer stylesheet
that you are editing is called from. FOR-555 was about a
change in behaviour that suddenly caused xml comments
to vanish.


> Handling PIs and probably comments separatelly is necessary because of
> the way they are treated differently in xsl and can't be 'unnamespaced'
> the way it was done for elements and attributes.
> Best regards,
> Ferdinand