Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 03:49 +0100, Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
If I understand you correctly I would have to add that pipeline to the plugins sitemap so that it looks for skinconf settings elsewhere and than what?

Not exactly, it was more an example for the generator.

Where and how would I have to store the settings formerly in skinconf?

In or That would mean to
flatten some <pdf>
    <page size="letter" orientation="portrait" text-align="left"/>

into e.g.
  <property name="" value="letter"/>
  <property name="" value="portrait"/>
  <property name="" value="left"/>


This change makes any project using 0.3 PDF plugin incompatible with 0.2 (if the user has changed any of the skinconf properties).

It also makes it really confusing as to where properties are stored in 0.9 As far as I remember we only use skinconf for core plugins.

To make this change in a core plugin I think we need to lose skinconf altogether and this will delay the release of the 0.3 PDF plugin considerably.

+1 for putting it in and deprecating the old method though.
