I guess you are using forrest 0.8, right?

forrest 0.9

Do you use the plugin with the dispatcher or with skins?

I am pretty new to Forrest. I've gone through documentation relating to this but don't have a handle on it yet. I've built the plugin, added it to required plugins, copied the jar to the web app, and I know I am successfully calling through to my solr server. i would like to add the forrest:contracts and have the buttons in the action bar, but documentation doesn't adequately specify which files those need to be added to and my knowledge doesn't cover the gaps yet. I find-grepped forrest:contract and only found a few examples deep within skins that don't even appear to be active (leather-dev where the active skin is pelt).

In any way requesting
http://localhost:8080/YOUR_PROJECT/solr-search.html? version=2.2&hl=true&hl.fl=content&fl=id,title&indent=on&rows=10&start= 0&q=test

This returns the correct search results.

If you do not run solr on default port you need to change
<property name="solr.select.url"
in your forrest.properties.xml

Yes, I've changed this to http://localhost:8084/solr/select

I create a link to the solr-search page in Forrest but I don't see a way to get a field containing the query and pass it to the search operation. The link works and dispatches the way I want. It just doesn't provide any search terms. When I provide them myself by appending ?q=some- terms to the url it returns the results I am looking for.

There are a number of cocoon forms examples that pass query parameters from a form entry field but forms are disallowed by the DTD in Forrest. I could try to override or extend the Forrest google/ lucene search panel but I don't want a web site search widget, I want a search page in the website that searches an entirely different site.

Charles Rose
MIT Press Journals

On Feb 13, 2008, at 3:15 PM, Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 11:36 -0500, Charlie Rose wrote:
I have Forrest and this plugin working in a Tomcat environment.
However, I cannot figure out how to pass the query string, and my
results aren't transformed. If you have any ideas, please let me know.

I guess you are using forrest 0.8, right?

Do you use the plugin with the dispatcher or with skins?

In any way requesting
http://localhost:8080/YOUR_PROJECT/solr-search.html? version=2.2&hl=true&hl.fl=content&fl=id,title&indent=on&rows=10&start= 0&q=test

should return something. We use more or less the same parameter as in
solr directly (q is the query parameter).

As mentioned in
http://forrest.apache.org/pluginDocs/plugins_0_80/ org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.solr/

If you do not run solr on default port you need to change
<property name="solr.select.url"
in your forrest.properties.xml




Charles Rose
MIT Press Journals

Thorsten Scherler thorsten.at.apache.org Open Source Java consulting, training and solutions