On Sep 06, 2008 Brian M Dube wrote:
> On Jun 25, 2008 David Crossley wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, in my last message i intended to suggest the obvious.
> > Have you set FORREST_HOME and PATH to point to the new fresh
> > forrest installation? Also you might need to do a 'forrest clean'
> > in any of your existing project workspaces.
> Oops, I intended to reply to this a long time ago. FORREST_HOME and
> PATH are correct, and I tried 'forrest clean' in each project.

Again grasping at obvious things to be verified ...

What about Java version? That should not matter.

You did do a 'build.sh clean; build.sh'.
IIRC you said that you even did a fresh checkout
to be sure.

Ensure that the plugins are being deployed from
your svn working copy, rather than being downloaded
from apache.org server. The former should be the default.

You can do a local-deploy just to be doubly sure.
This would locally rebuild and deploy the pdf plugin.

]$ cd $FORREST_HOME/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf
]$ $FORREST_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant local-deploy


> Does anyone else use Debian?

I am surprised that no-one will answer
you about that.
