David Crossley wrote:
On Sep 06, 2008 Brian M Dube wrote:
On Jun 25, 2008 David Crossley wrote:
Sorry, in my last message i intended to suggest the obvious.
Have you set FORREST_HOME and PATH to point to the new fresh
forrest installation? Also you might need to do a 'forrest clean'
in any of your existing project workspaces.
Oops, I intended to reply to this a long time ago. FORREST_HOME and
PATH are correct, and I tried 'forrest clean' in each project.

Again grasping at obvious things to be verified ...

What about Java version? That should not matter.

Just another straw to clutch at...

I know some versions of Ubuntu has problems because the default Java VM is not compatible with Forrest. I can't recall what the error was, so not sure if this is related.
