Gavin wrote:
> From: Gavin
> > >
> > > validate-xdocs:
> > > [xmlvalidate] /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-
> > > sample-2/src/documentation/content/xdocs/samples-b/sample.xml:359:42:
> > > Attribute "id" must be declared for element type "map".
> > >      [echo] Oops, something broke
> > 
> > Lovely, I'll revert.
> > 
> > (yes I know I should have tested first, no lectures please)
> > 
> > We need to add this to our Document-v20 then I guess ?
> > 
> > Gav...
> Here's my diff:-
> D:\Apache2\forrest\main\webapp\resources>svn diff
> Index: schema/dtd/document-v20.mod
> ===================================================================
> --- schema/dtd/document-v20.mod (revision 734577)
> +++ schema/dtd/document-v20.mod (working copy)
> @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@
>  <!ELEMENT map ( area+)>
>  <!ATTLIST map
>    name CDATA #IMPLIED
>  >
>  <!ELEMENT area EMPTY>
>  <!ATTLIST area
> I don't like messing with our dtd without approval first.
> Is the above ok to commit?

The IDs need to be "ID" rather than "CDATA".

See higher in the DTD around line #454.
Perhaps need to use "%common.att;" as is used for
example for the "strong" element. I have not looked to
ensure that "class" and "id" are both optional attributes
for the "map" element'.
