ation/content/xdocs/samples-b/sample.xml:359:42: Attribute "id" must be
declared for element type "map".
     [echo] Oops, something broke

So, as per my earlier mail, it looks like the new addition to the dtd needs
deploying. Anyone ?



> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2009 8:07 PM
> To: Forrest developers
> Subject: ForrestBot build for forrest-sample-2 FAILED
> Automated build for forrest-sample-2 FAILED
> Log attached.
> ----------
> Forrestbot run ended at 29 January 10:07 AM
> Using Forrest 0.9-dev
> Forrestbot administrator: Forrest developers
> ----------
>      [echo]
>           ....... Forrest render START 2009-01-29 10:07:13
>           ... Rendering docs in /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2
> check-java-version:
>      [echo] This is apache-forrest-0.9-dev
>      [echo] Using Java 1.4 from /usr/j2se/jre
>      [echo] Using Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on September 26 2008
> from /export/opt/forrest-trunk/tools/ant
> init-props:
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
> echo-settings:
> check-skin:
> init-proxy:
> fetch-skins-descriptors:
> fetch-skin:
> unpack-skins:
> init-skins:
> fetch-plugins-descriptors:
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [echo] Fetching plugins descriptor:
>       [get] Getting:
>       [get] To: /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-
> sample-2/tmp/plugins-1.xml
>       [get] local file date : Thu Sep 18 09:05:40 GMT+00:00 2008
>       [get] .
>       [get] last modified = Wed Dec 03 00:37:14 GMT+00:00 2008
>      [echo] Fetching plugins descriptor:
>       [get] Getting:
> plugins.xml
>       [get] To: /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-
> sample-2/tmp/plugins-2.xml
>       [get] local file date : Thu Jan 15 03:05:44 GMT+00:00 2009
>       [get] .
>       [get] last modified = Thu Jan 15 03:07:07 GMT+00:00 2009
>      [echo] Plugin list loaded from
>      [echo] Plugin list loaded from
> init-plugins:
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/webapp/conf
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [echo]
>       --------------------------------------------------------------
>       Installing plugin: org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf
>       --------------------------------------------------------------
> check-plugin:
>      [echo] org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf is available in the build
> dir. Trying to update it...
> init-props:
> echo-settings:
> init-proxy:
> fetch-plugins-descriptors:
> fetch-plugin:
>      [echo] Trying to find the description of
> org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf in the different descriptor files
>      [echo] Using the descriptor file /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-1.xml...
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-1.xml to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/pluginlist2fetchbuild.xml
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginlist2fetch.xsl
> fetch-local-unversioned-plugin:
> get-local:
>      [echo] Trying to locally get org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf
>      [echo] Looking in local /export/opt/forrest-trunk/plugins
>      [echo] Found !
> init-build-compiler:
> echo-init:
> init:
> compile:
> jar:
> local-deploy:
>      [echo] Locally deploying org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf
> build:
>      [echo] Plugin org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf deployed ! Ready
> to configure
> fetch-remote-unversioned-plugin-version-forrest:
> fetch-remote-unversioned-plugin-unversion-forrest:
> has-been-downloaded:
> downloaded-message:
> uptodate-message:
> not-found-message:
>      [echo] Fetch-plugin Ok, installing !
> unpack-plugin:
> install-plugin:
> configure-plugin:
> configure-output-plugin:
>      [echo] Mounting output plugin: org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/output.xmap to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginMountSnippet.xsl
>      [move] Moving 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
> configure-plugin-locationmap:
>      [echo] Mounting plugin locationmap for
> org.apache.forrest.plugin.output.pdf
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/locationmap.xml to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginLmMountSnippet.xsl
>      [move] Moving 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [echo]
>       --------------------------------------------------------------
>       Installing plugin: org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher
>       --------------------------------------------------------------
> check-plugin:
>      [echo] org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher is not available
> in the build dir. Trying to fetch it...
> init-props:
> echo-settings:
> init-proxy:
> fetch-plugins-descriptors:
> fetch-plugin:
>      [echo] Trying to find the description of
> org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher in the different descriptor
> files
>      [echo] Using the descriptor file /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-1.xml...
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-1.xml to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/pluginlist2fetchbuild.xml
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginlist2fetch.xsl
> findPlugin:
>      [echo] Using the descriptor file /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-2.xml...
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-2.xml to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/pluginlist2fetchbuild.xml
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginlist2fetch.xsl
> fetch-local-unversioned-plugin:
> get-local:
>      [echo] Trying to locally get
> org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher
>      [echo] Looking in local /export/opt/forrest-trunk/plugins
>      [echo] Looking in local /export/opt/forrest-trunk/whiteboard/plugins
>      [echo] Found !
> init-build-compiler:
> echo-init:
> init:
> compile:
> jar:
> local-deploy:
>      [echo] Locally deploying
> org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher
>      [copy] Copying 122 files to /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/build/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher
>      [copy] Copied 48 empty directories to 1 empty directory under
> /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/build/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/opt/forrest-trunk/build/plugins/lib
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /export/opt/forrest-trunk/build/plugins/lib
> build:
>      [echo] Plugin org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher deployed
> ! Ready to configure
> fetch-remote-unversioned-plugin-version-forrest:
> fetch-remote-unversioned-plugin-unversion-forrest:
> has-been-downloaded:
> downloaded-message:
> uptodate-message:
> not-found-message:
>      [echo] Fetch-plugin Ok, installing !
> unpack-plugin:
> install-plugin:
> configure-plugin:
> configure-internal-plugin:
>      [echo] Mounting internal plugin:
> org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/internal.xmap to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginMountSnippet.xsl
>      [move] Moving 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
> configure-plugin-locationmap:
>      [echo] Mounting plugin locationmap for
> org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/locationmap.xml to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginLmMountSnippet.xsl
>      [move] Moving 1 file to /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp
>      [echo]
>       --------------------------------------------------------------
>       Installing plugin: org.apache.forrest.themes.core
>       --------------------------------------------------------------
> check-plugin:
>      [echo] org.apache.forrest.themes.core is not available in the build
> dir. Trying to fetch it...
> init-props:
> echo-settings:
> init-proxy:
> fetch-plugins-descriptors:
> fetch-plugin:
>      [echo] Trying to find the description of
> org.apache.forrest.themes.core in the different descriptor files
>      [echo] Using the descriptor file /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-1.xml...
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-1.xml to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/pluginlist2fetchbuild.xml
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginlist2fetch.xsl
> findPlugin:
>      [echo] Using the descriptor file /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-2.xml...
>      [xslt] Processing /export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-2/tmp/plugins-2.xml to
> /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/tmp/pluginlist2fetchbuild.xml
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/var/pluginlist2fetch.xsl
> fetch-local-unversioned-plugin:
> get-local:
>      [echo] Trying to locally get org.apache.forrest.themes.core
>      [echo] Looking in local /export/opt/forrest-trunk/plugins
>      [echo] Looking in local /export/opt/forrest-trunk/whiteboard/plugins
>      [echo] Found !
> init-build-compiler:
> echo-init:
> init:
> compile:
> jar:
> local-deploy:
>      [echo] Locally deploying org.apache.forrest.themes.core
>      [copy] Copying 222 files to /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/build/plugins/org.apache.forrest.themes.core
>      [copy] Copied 28 empty directories to 4 empty directories under
> /export/opt/forrest-trunk/build/plugins/org.apache.forrest.themes.core
> build:
>      [echo] Plugin org.apache.forrest.themes.core deployed ! Ready to
> configure
> fetch-remote-unversioned-plugin-version-forrest:
> fetch-remote-unversioned-plugin-unversion-forrest:
> has-been-downloaded:
> downloaded-message:
> uptodate-message:
> not-found-message:
>      [echo] Fetch-plugin Ok, installing !
> unpack-plugin:
> install-plugin:
> configure-plugin:
>      [echo] No locationmap provided for plugin
> org.apache.forrest.themes.core
> init:
> -prepare-classpath:
> check-contentdir:
> examine-proj:
> validation-props:
>      [echo] Using these catalog descriptors: /export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/main/webapp/resources/schema/catalog.xcat:/export/opt/forrest-
> trunk/build/plugins/catalog.xcat:/export/home/config/forrestbot-
> trunk/conf/work/forrest-sample-
> 2/src/documentation/resources/schema/catalog.xcat
> validate-xdocs:
> [xmlvalidate] /export/home/config/forrestbot-trunk/conf/work/forrest-
> sample-2/src/documentation/content/xdocs/samples-b/sample.xml:359:42:
> Attribute "id" must be declared for element type "map".
>      [echo] Oops, something broke
> --
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 7.5.552 / Virus Database: 270.10.15/1921 - Release Date:
> 1/28/2009 6:37 AM