Hi all,

I am running out of ideas why the dispatcher rewrite is not faster then
the old one we have.

The old dispatcher is around 10% faster and consumes less memory (!!!)
then the new one. The new one is using AXIOM to create the final
document which supposed to be faster then DOM, but it is not.

I switch the contract processing from DOM to AXIOM to finally have SAX.

Some sidenotes of my profiling sessions:
- we use as testing ground a dedicated linux box which is basically a
replica of http://juntadeandalucia.es/index.html 
- the side is made with cocoon 2.2 and "old" dispatcher cocoon 2.2 block
(which is the same as we use here in forrest projects). 
- The app is running on a tomcat6 and java6.
- We using jmeter to have an incremental test run on concurrent threads
(starting with 5 to 90 concurrent threads). 

Jmeter says for 90 threads that we have a throughput of 70 threads/sec
with the old one but only 60 threads/sec with the new one. 

The max memory for the 90 threads are 65 MB for the old one and the new
one is using 5 MB more.

The total amount of class instances have been around 12.000 in the old
and in the new around 15.000.

Somebody has any idea I would really appreciate some suggestions, I do
not understand why the new one is not significantly faster and resource

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
Open Source Java <consulting, training and solutions>

Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad 
de la InformaciĆ³n, S.A.U. (SADESI)