On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Thorsten Scherler
<thorsten.scherler....@juntadeandalucia.es> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running out of ideas why the dispatcher rewrite is not faster then
> the old one we have.
> The old dispatcher is around 10% faster and consumes less memory (!!!)
> then the new one. The new one is using AXIOM to create the final
> document which supposed to be faster then DOM, but it is not.
> I switch the contract processing from DOM to AXIOM to finally have SAX.
> Some sidenotes of my profiling sessions:
> - we use as testing ground a dedicated linux box which is basically a
> replica of http://juntadeandalucia.es/index.html
> - the side is made with cocoon 2.2 and "old" dispatcher cocoon 2.2 block
> (which is the same as we use here in forrest projects).
> - The app is running on a tomcat6 and java6.
> - We using jmeter to have an incremental test run on concurrent threads
> (starting with 5 to 90 concurrent threads).
> Jmeter says for 90 threads that we have a throughput of 70 threads/sec
> with the old one but only 60 threads/sec with the new one.
> The max memory for the 90 threads are 65 MB for the old one and the new
> one is using 5 MB more.
> The total amount of class instances have been around 12.000 in the old
> and in the new around 15.000.
> Somebody has any idea I would really appreciate some suggestions, I do
> not understand why the new one is not significantly faster and resource
> friendlier.

I have no clue really, just some thoughts.  On a side note, if there's
an easy way for me to setup the same test here, maybe I could help
more. Assuming I use the rewrite_branch, what site should I set up?

Have you benchmarked the parsers independent of the dispatcher
framework?  Maybe its simply a case of the assumptions being wrong?
AXIOM is specifically fast for small docs, right?  Maybe yours are
larger than the threshold in which AXIOM can be expected to outperform
others?  I haven't looked at AXIOM but maybe the higher memory is due
to AXIOM being optimized for certain doc types/size?  Maybe the
dispatcher isn't wrong, is there a chance your expectations are?
