On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:13 AM, Vicent Mas <uve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/8/11 Tim Williams <william...@gmail.com>:
>> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Sina K. Heshmati <s...@khakbaz.com> wrote:
>>> --
>>> Prior discussions have been snipped, please view the complete thread at:
>>> http://markmail.org/message/fyloqkqilo2tqalr
>>> --
>>> Hi Vicent,
>>> "Vicent Mas" <uve...@gmail.com> said:
>>>> I don't know why I always get those errors. My connectivity to
>>>> Internet is just fine.
>>> It's been almost a week since you've reported your issue. At this point, 
>>> I'd like to advise you to share a fairly complete screencast of your 
>>> workflow, maybe someone could come up with an idea as to what's causing 
>>> this issue. In case you're willing to choose this option, please make sure 
>>> to echo e.g. the relevant environment variables, the output of 'java 
>>> -version'.
>> Actually, I've been working on upgrading some libraries and realized
>> I've just ignored that my local ./build.sh test fails on the
>> dispatcher test.  Today, I looked at my log and also saw the
>> ClassNotFoundException on the DispatcherTransformer.   Are other folks
>> able to ./build.sh test with success on the second [dispatcher] build?
>> Thanks,
>> --tim
> That is interesting. Maybe the problem is not just the configuration of my
> box. In fact, after reading your message I've installed forrest on a laptop
> with kubuntu. It is the first time I install forrest there. The installed JDK 
> is
> the ubuntu package (java6-openjdk or something similar) not the Sun Java.
> When I try to create a dispatcher sample site I get the same error about
> DispatcherTransformer.

Actually, the './build.sh test' issue seems to have been caused by
using the ./build.xml classpath instead of the forrest.build.xml
classpath.  The 'test' target calls the 'site' target which needs the
more robust classpath.  This was resolved by not letting the 'site'
target inherit the settings of the 'test' target.  You may want to do
'forrest site -v' and grep the results for 'dispatcher.jar'
