Hi Cor,

Clean things a bit up
 - - - - - - - - - - -
Now looking at Histories.xcu further, I see quite some lines in the <node oor:name="OrderList"> that look as this:

    <node oor:name="file:///<name>" oor:op="remove"/>

In the 3.1.1 History.xcu that were considerably more lines than in the 3.2._Beta.
Looks like something that I can remove, and or should not be there?

To clean up the whole pick list you have to remove ALL
set items from two lists:


First list contains all documents ...
second one desribe the order of those items only.

BTW: You have to do that using the UNO/configuration API.
Doing that by using e.g. a xcu file inside an extension
wont work (as it wont worked before)
Because set's cant be cleared by a simple xcu fragment ...
they have to be cleaned up by removing every set item using
it's name. Because those "names" are real files names ...
they are not fix ... you cant know them ...
so you cant write a suitable xcu fragment .-)



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