Hi all,

We implemented a java DispatchProviderInterceptor  which registered to
frame, but we found some time bridge remote call (from C++ to java) cause
cpp2uno reentry such as bridges_remote::dispatchRemote2UnoProxy().

I don't think dispatchRemote2UnoProxy support reentry, because UNO Remote
Protocol Specification does not allow this:

When sending a synchronous request message with the TID of a UNO thread h,
the sending side will not execute any computation steps in thread h
(especially, it will not send any further request or reply messages with the
given TID), until it receives back the corresponding reply message.

My question are:

1 How to accelerate calls from C++ to java when using java
DispatchProviderInterceptor? Or we made some mistakes?
2 Is there a way to avoid this reentry?

Please check out the dump file attached.

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