Well, "recent" IS recent. Like two weeks ago I pulled down Liferay 7.0 and started to see if we could migrate our stuff from 6.0.6 to 7.0. 6.0.6 has support for both Velocity and Freemarker but most of the UI templates were in Velocity although I think they used Freemarker pretty extensively in their templates for their "service builder" application. Supposedly there is parity in the out of the box templates for UI but I already tripped across a couple of templates that had a more complete Velocity implementation than FM.

IOW it's too soon to have an opinion. You may not remember but I am *still* using Jonathan Revusky's "Niggle" project, which wraps Freemarker, so I use Freemarker nominally but will be using templates more. Liferay developed, or enhanced, a Freemarker syntax highlighting plugin which I have appreciated.

Once I get my feet a bit more "wet" I'll probably have a better opinion on the templating side.

Pete Helgren
GIAC Secure Software Programmer-Java

On 6/16/2016 11:55 AM, Daniel Dekany wrote:
Hi Pete,

Liferay is one of the more important FM users today, based on the
number of FM questions on StackOverflow that are Liferay related. So
it would be interesting to know what are the top annoyances or other
improvement ideas in that particular environment. Can you tell any?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 4:19:18 PM, Pete Helgren wrote:

On 6/14/2016 12:20 PM, Daniel Dekany wrote:
Tuesday, June 14, 2016, 1:55:05 PM, Sergio Fernández wrote:

Definitively I used Freemarker much more in the past than currently,
but Web development has changed a lot, moving more stuff to the
frontend (10 years ago we didn't have AngularJS).
Yip, that's why I intend to focus on non-Web applications much more in
FM 3. There are some interesting challenges there. One is the common
need for the much smarter handling of white-space. Another is entering
templates in WYSIWYG editors (it has some tricky aspects). Would be
fun to work on those instead of fighting with FM 2 legacy.


Most of my involvement is from a user perspective and I really haven't
used much template stuff in a while but in the past 4 years have worked
with Liferay portal and they use both Velocity and Freemarker and have
recently shifted more to Freemarker.  So after being out of the template
arena for a while, I am back in.

My Java skills aren't nearly at the level the rest of the group on this
list has but I will try to jump in on the stuff that can fit my skill level.


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