>Also, I hope that freemarker-datasource-loader can be simplified over
>time, so it doesn't employ this many interfaces/classes.
Currently, the only essential classes are:  1)JdbcMetaData --A central place to 
store DB table/column names. 2) TemplateSourceDao --to perform the JDBC/CRUD 
work 3) DataSourceTemplateLoader -- the loader implementation. 4) (Maybe)?) 
JdbcTemplateSource -- template data record including the template content 
itself.  This should be helpful to a client such that no additional work should 
be necessary (in most general cases) to maintain the templates 
(name/content)--the DAO and JdbcTemplateSource will do the work.

I am experimenting with the other classes/interfaces.  In particular, 
TemplateName and TemplateSource (which extends TemplateName).  The idea is to 
describe template metadata that is more abstract that is more abstract than 
File, such that it could describe a File or some database record--with the 
relevant data such as name, locale. BUT, as you noted, necessitates 
pre-fetching data.

>My main problem with FreeMarker's TemplateLoader interface is that it
>assumes that you execute existence check, last modification query, and
>oading the actual content as 3 separate steps. While that fits how
>you deal with plain files (and I guess that's what it was modelled
>after), it doesn't fit how you do things with a database. In a
>straightforward implementation we would have 3 SQL round trips per new
>template loaded, and 2 for each up-to-date checks later. In a smarter
>implementation, and as you did it too, you can reduce the number of
>SQL operations be prefetching data into the templateSource object
>during the existence check (i.e., in findTemplateSource). As
>closeTemplateSource will be called pretty soon anyway, working from a
>such "cache" is certainly fine (because closeTemplateSource will
>invalidate it). But I don't think that you should prefetch the
>template content there, because then that will be an unnecessarily
>prefetched for template cache up-to-date checks, which is the dominant
>TemplateLoader usage in many applications. So it's sill 2 SQL-s per
>new template loaded, and 1 per template cache up-to-date checks.
>Certainly not a problem in most apps, but it's still bugs me. In
>FreeMarker 3 I definitely want to fix this be radically changing the
>TemplateLoader interface, and it's also possible that I will backport
>that solution into FreeMarker 2 (if people here will agree), though
>there it will co-exists with the traditional TemplateLoader, probably
>under the name TemplateLoader2 or something, so it's kind of messy.

Would the changes to the TemplateLoader be that drastic?  Sometimes it is 
feasible to deprecate old/non-conformant methods (perhaps provide defaults that 
rely on the new methods), which can later be removed completely.  



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