Note that there's quick draft of TemplateResolver committed in the "3" branch:

It's not integrated with the other parts of FM (it's assumed
everywhere that we have a DefaultTemplateResolver, not a generic
TemplateResolver), nor does it deal with the configuration aspects
discussed today. But it shows an idea for the main functionality.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 11:59:08 AM, Daniel Dekany wrote:

> Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 7:40:18 AM, David E Jones wrote:
>> On Tue, 2017-01-24 at 23:47 +0100, Daniel Dekany wrote:
>>> Should the TemplateResolver-s (the work name for the new interface)
>>> still get the template name already resolved to absolute and
>>> normalized? So when cfg.getTemplate is called, then it invokes
>>> cfg.templateNameFormat.normalizeAbsoluteName(String) to normalize the
>>> path, and only then it calls the TemplateResolver. Also #import and
>>> such currently calls templateNameFormat.toAbsoluteName(String,
>>> String), and that would happen earlier than TemplateResolver is
>>> involved.
>>> And how would it look... perhaps like this:
>>>     public interface TemplateResolver {
>>>        Template getTemplate(String templatePath, Local lookupLocale, Object 
>>> customLookupCondition)
>>>        throws IOException;
>>>     }
>>> You may notice that it misses the `encoding` and `parsed` parameter of
>>> cfg.getTemplate. That's because I belive that in FM3 we should not
>>> allow specifying those as getTemplate parameters anymore, but that
>>> will be another thread when we get there.
>> IMO it should pass through the exact text from the include/etc in
>> the template. It might be worth constraining to a valid URI syntax
>> but other than that a TemplateResolver would be much more flexible if no 
>> normalization/etc is done.
> In FM2 there's a class like this:
> public abstract class TemplateNameFormat {
>     ...
>     abstract String toAbsoluteName(String baseName, String
> targetName) throws MalformedTemplateNameException;
>     abstract String normalizeAbsoluteName(String name) throws 
> MalformedTemplateNameException;
> }
> My idea was that if we allow users to provide a custom implementation,
> then if the standard rules don't fit your custom TemplateResolver, you
> just create a custom TemplateNameFormat too. But now that I think
> about it more, pushing the TemplateNameFormat functionality on the
> TemplateResolver implementation does indeed look like a better
> approach, because then it can't happen that a configuration
> accidentally contains a TemplateResolver with a TemplateNameFormat
> that doesn't work well with it. But then the above two methods should
> be part of the TemplateResolver interface (because, for example, when
> you #import something, FM has to find out if the same FTL was already
> imported in the current Environment, so it needs to normalize the
> #import argument without loading anything). WDYT?
>> Passing in the Locale rather than trying to call it multiple times
>> with different locale extensions is a good idea too as different
>> underlying content or file stores may have their own approach for
>> this.
> That's even a problem with the TemplateLoader interface proposed to
> FM3. Like in the recent database template loader thread, the author
> wanted to use a separate column to indicate the locale of the template
> (and the same could happen with custom lookup conditions too), so you
> don't want to encode that information into the template name in the
> case of that particular TemplateLoader. It's something we may try to
> address in a second iteration of the FM3 TemplateLoader interface.
>> For example a JCR back end has quite a bit for meta data and
>> content variations.
>> In general more parameters and less built into the path/name is a good thing 
>> IMO.
> BTW, I still want to see if in FM3 the standard TemplateResolver (the
> one that's basically FM2's TemplateCache, relies on TemplateLoader and
> TemplateLookupStrategy and TemplateNameFormat) could cover more use
> cases without becoming overly intricate. Also, even if you decide to
> use a custom TemplateResolver, perhaps you still want to call some of
> the stock TemplateLoader-s from it (while you replace the caching
> logic, etc., or load from non-TemplateLoader sources too in case of
> more sophisticated storages). I suspect you have experience with these
> things, so it would be good if you can look at the FM3 TemplateLoader
> thread.
>> -David

 Daniel Dekany

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