Can I assume all options load keys?
If so, yes skip loading values.

Mike Stolz
Principal Engineer - Gemfire Product Manager
Mobile: 631-835-4771
On Jan 17, 2017 5:48 PM, "Anilkumar Gingade" <> wrote:

> Hi Geode Devs,
> We are working on ticket GEODE-1672, related to out of memory during
> recovery with overflow regions (heap LRU configured).
> When recovering the persistent files, GEODE stores the values into temp
> maps (for regions) using a background thread, as these maps are not actual
> regions,  these are not considered/included for LRU eviction, which causes
> the system to run OOM.
> We are thinking about following approaches to address this issue...Let us
> know if you have any comments/suggestion about the solutions.
> 1. Skip recovering the regions marked with LRU eviction.
> - This keeps the code changes to minimal.
> - Accessing the most recently used values first time, will be expensive.
> But this is true even if the values are recovered, as Geode doesn't
> guarantee the recently/most used values will be in memory after recovery.
> - This may impact the use-cases where regions are set with LRU eviction,
> even though there is no  memory pressure (system configured to handle
> unexpected events)
> 2. Include temp maps (these are AbstractRegionMap) for eviction during
> recovery.
> - May involve lots of code change. The size estimation code in bucket
> regions need to be moved to AbstractRegionMap.
> - Need to handle the rate of recovery thread to throttle based on the
> eviction rate, which could impact the recovery of regions without eviction.
> We can think of overriding the default eviction rate during recovery...
> - The regions will be in the similar state (number of entries), when system
> is recovered.
> 3. Stop recovery when system hits critical-heap-memory
> - This requires setting/recommending critical-heap-percentage. Throwing
> LowMemoryException during recovery, if system is low on memory.
> - This may impact the first read on the region whose values are not
> recovered.
> Thanks,
> -Anil.

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