On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 9:56 AM Anthony Baker <aba...@pivotal.io> wrote:

GEODE-1416 lays out the tasks needed to prepare geode-native to be included
in a geode release.  I spent some time reviewing the source and found
several other things to consider:

3) Build

The cmake build can produce source and binary distributions though it’s not
very obvious how to do so.  Here’s how to create the binary distribution:

cmake --build .
cmake --build . —target docs
cmake --build . --target package

-rw-r--r--   1 abaker  staff  25355797 Mar  6 08:48
-rw-r--r--   1 abaker  staff  27074260 Mar  6 08:54

$ cmake --build .
Invokes built-in target `all`.

I would update this to be a little faster...
$ cmake ../src -DPRODUCT_VERSION=1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
$ make all docs -j<number of cores>
$ make package -j<number of cores>
( cmake --build is just an wrapper around the generator's build executable,
on Linux this will likely be make, but is limited to a single target.)
$ cmake ../src -DPRODUCT_VERSION=1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
$ cmake --build --target all -- -j<number of cores>
$ cmake --build --target docs -- -j<number of cores>
$ cmake --build --target package -- -j<number of cores>

An open ticket exists with CMake project to allow targets to be
dependencies on built-in targets so that in the future package will be
dependent on all and docs.
One could create a custom target, `do-package`, that depends on all, docs
and package if having a single target is necessary.

Here’s how to create the source distribution:

cpack --config CPackSourceConfig.cmake


- The distributions don’t include the version in the top-level directory.
We should include that.

I believe you are looking for `make package_source`. No care has been taken
yet for a src target. Some CMakeList.txt work needs to be tackled. The
first thing is that the root CMakeLists.txt needs to be moved to the root
of the repo. In fact the whole src directory is probably ready to be moved
to the root. It was under a sub directory for migration purposes only.

- The binary distributions include cmake files and several *.in files.  Are
those necessary?

Depends. There are some necessary for the quickstarts and plug-in examples.

- The source distribution only includes files from src/.  It should capture
everything in the geode-native/ root dir.
- It looks like src/cppcache/src/version.cmake.in relies on the presence of
a git repo.  That will not be present for a source release, see [1].

This should be easy to change to fallback to something if .git is not
found. It currently pulls the revisions SHA out of the repo. Personally I
think that is silly and we should just remove it altogether. The other
option is that a src distribution would just ship version.h and not cmake
bits to determine it.

We also need to generate signatures and hashes for each of the distribution
artifacts.  How hard is that to do in cmake?  Should we just create a
simple gradle wrapper script to do this so we have a common release toolset
across geode, geode-examples, and geode-native?

I really dislike having yet another build tool. CMake 3.7.2 and newer
supports hashing directly in CPack. Older versions of CMake support hashing
directly in the FILE command.
Signatures are easy enough to achieve with a custom target call to openssl
or pgp.


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