> On Mar 6, 2017, at 10:29 AM, Jacob Barrett <jbarr...@pivotal.io> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 9:56 AM Anthony Baker <aba...@pivotal.io> wrote:
> - The distributions don’t include the version in the top-level directory.
> We should include that.
> I believe you are looking for `make package_source`. No care has been taken
> yet for a src target. Some CMakeList.txt work needs to be tackled. The
> first thing is that the root CMakeLists.txt needs to be moved to the root
> of the repo. In fact the whole src directory is probably ready to be moved
> to the root. It was under a sub directory for migration purposes only.

I’d prefer the top-level directory in the archives to be named something like 
'apache-geode-native-1.2.0-Linux-x64bit' instead of ‘apache-geode-native’.  Is 
that hard in cmake?

> - It looks like src/cppcache/src/version.cmake.in relies on the presence of
> a git repo.  That will not be present for a source release, see [1].
> This should be easy to change to fallback to something if .git is not
> found. It currently pulls the revisions SHA out of the repo. Personally I
> think that is silly and we should just remove it altogether. The other
> option is that a src distribution would just ship version.h and not cmake
> bits to determine it.

Is version.h dumped to the log anywhere?  That info can be really useful.

> We also need to generate signatures and hashes for each of the distribution
> artifacts.  How hard is that to do in cmake?  Should we just create a
> simple gradle wrapper script to do this so we have a common release toolset
> across geode, geode-examples, and geode-native?
> I really dislike having yet another build tool. CMake 3.7.2 and newer
> supports hashing directly in CPack. Older versions of CMake support hashing
> directly in the FILE command.
> Signatures are easy enough to achieve with a custom target call to openssl
> or pgp.

Ok, sounds good.


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