Any calls such as:

    File file = new File("myfile");

...results in creating a file in the current working directory of IntelliJ
or Gradle when executing the test.

I previously made a change to Gfsh so that tests can pass in a parent
directory which will be used instead. This allowed me to change all of the
Gfsh tests to write to a JUnit TemporaryFolder.

This allows us to clean up ALL file artifacts produced from a test and also
allows us to avoid file-based pollution from one test to another.

I'd like to propose that we either always pass a parent directory into a
component that produces file artifacts or change all of our code from using
the constructor File(String pathname) to using the constructor File(String
parent, String child).

That 2nd approach would involve changing lines like this:

    File file = new File("myfile");

    File file = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "myfile");

Then if you add this line to a test:

System.setProperty("user.dir", temporaryFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath());'re able to redirect all file artifacts to the JUnit TemporaryFolder.

If we don't make this change to product code, then I really don't think we
should be manipulating "user.dir" in ANY of our tests because the results
are rather broken.

If we don't like using "user.dir" then we could devise our own Geode system
property for "the current working directory." Honestly, I don't care what
system property we use or don't use, but I really want to have ALL file
artifacts properly cleaned and deleted after every test. And I really want
to prevent file-based test pollution.

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