What if we require certs to have correct hostnames and automatically perform 
hostname verification.  No property required.  The only counter argument I can 
think of is that this change might require users to regenerate certificates 
when upgrading.  Perhaps we start by logging a warning for N releases, then 
make HN verification a hard requirement.


> On Aug 14, 2018, at 8:59 AM, Jacob Barrett <jbarr...@pivotal.io> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 7:47 AM Sai Boorlagadda <sai_boorlaga...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> Geode currently does not implement hostname verification and is probably
>> not required per TLS spec. But it can be supported on TLS as an additional
>> check. The new proposed[1] implementation to use the default SSL context
>> could cause certain man-in-the-middle attacks possible if there is no
>> hostname verification.
> The current SSL implementation is also susceptible to man-in-the-middle as
> well. This proposal is really independent of those proposed changes.
>> This is a proposal to add a new boolean SSL property
>> `ssl-enable-endpoint-identification` which enables hostname verification
>> for secure connections.
> Are you proposing that we ship a custom trust manager that verifies hosts
> on all TLS connections? I would rather shy away from yet another confusing
> SSL property. Is there a proposed why for consumers to provide their own
> trust manager and host verification process? If so, I assume that is yet
> another property, can we merge those properties somehow?
> At this point with all theses system properties can we come up with a
> better way to configure SSL?
> -Jake

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