So if we don’t want to use the Java built in SecurityManager to solve this, 
because we feel it's too big or too inflexible for our needs, have other 
projects implemented something we can borrow? We can’t be the first to need 
something like this if Java’s solution isn’t a good fit. 

Again I want to avoid inventing something new. What prior art is out there?

> On Jul 4, 2019, at 1:29 PM, Juan José Ramos <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> If you haven't added my email to the spam folder already :-), then I'd like
> to let you know that I've update again the *Proposal [1]* and incorporated
> most of the feedback provided, along with some additional information and
> context I missed on the previous versions, thanks all that brought concerns
> and suggestions to the discussion. Please take some time to review it
> thoroughly, adding comments and/or concerns *only on this email thread*,
> all feedback is more than welcome.
> If no major concerns arise before July 12th 2019, I'll go ahead and mark
> move the proposal to *Development* on July 13th.
> Best regards.
> [1]:

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