Thanks for the feedback. I also give a +1 to option a) including Dan's 

I'll move the RFC to the Development state and will open a ticket to 
follow up on the implementation.

-Alberto G.

On 12/9/19 8:15, Jacob Barrett wrote:
> +1
> I echo Dan’s comments as well.
> Thanks for tackling this.
> -jake
>> On Sep 11, 2019, at 2:36 PM, Dan Smith <> wrote:
>> +1 - Ok, I think I've come around to option (a). We can go head and add a
>> new execute(timeout, TimeUnit) method to the java API that is blocking. We
>> can leave the existing execute() method alone, except for documenting what
>> it is doing.
>> I would like implement execute(timeout,  TimeUnit) on the server side as
>> well. Since this Execution class is shared between both client and server
>> APIs, it would be unfortunate to have a method on Execution that simply
>> doesn't work on the server side.
>> -Dan
>>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 9:25 AM Alberto Gomez <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> First of all, thanks a lot Dan and Jacob for your feedback.
>>> As we are getting close to the deadline I am adding here some conclusions
>>> and a refined proposal in order to get some more feedback and if possible
>>> some voting on the two alternatives proposed (or any other in between if
>>> you feel any of them is lacking something).
>>> I also add some draft code to try to clarify a bit the more complex of the
>>> alternatives.
>>> Proposal summary (needs a decision on which option to implement):
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> In order to make the API more coherent two alternatives are proposed:
>>> a) Remove the timeout from the ResultCollector::getResult() / document
>>> that the timeout has no effect, taking into account that
>>> Execution::execute() is always blocking.
>>> Additionally we could add the timeout parameter to the
>>> Execution::execute() method of the Java API in order to align it with the
>>> native client APIs. This timeout would not be the read timeout on the
>>> socket but a timeout for the execution of the operation.
>>> b) Change the implementation of the Execution::execute() method without
>>> timeout to be non-blocking on both the Java and native APIs. This change
>>> has backward compatibility implications, would probably bring some
>>> performance decrease and could pose some difficulties in the implementation
>>> on the C++ side (in the  handling of timed out operations that hold
>>> resources).
>>> The first option (a) is less risky and does not have impacts regarding
>>> backward compatibility and performance.
>>> The second one (b) is the preferred alternative in terms of the expected
>>> behavior from the users of the API. This option is more complex to
>>> implement and as mentioned above has performance and backward compatibility
>>> issues not easy to be solved.
>>> Following is a draft version of the implementation of b) on the Java
>>> client:
>>> Following is a draft version of the implementation of b) on the C++ native
>>> client:
>>> Note that the above implementation of b) in the C++ client implies that
>>> the Execution object returned by the FunctionService cannot be destroyed
>>> until the thread executing the function asynchronously has finished. If the
>>> function times out, the Execution object must be kept until the thread
>>> finishes.
>>> Other considerations
>>> -------------------------
>>> * Currently, in the function execution Java client there is not a
>>> possibility to set a timeout for the execution of functions. The closest to
>>> this is the read timeout that may be set globally for function executions
>>> but this is not really a timeout for operations.
>>> * Even if the API for function execution is the same on clients and
>>> servers, the implementation is different between them. On the clients, the
>>> execute() methods are blocking while on the servers it is non-blocking and
>>> the invoker of the function blocks on the getResult() method of the
>>> ResultCollector returned by the execute() method.
>>> Even if having both blocking and non-blocking implementation of execute()
>>> in both clients and servers sounds desirable from the point of view of
>>> orthogonality, this  could bring complications in terms of backward
>>> compatibility. Besides, a need for a blocking version of function execution
>>> has not been found.
>>> -Alberto G.
>>> On 29/8/19 16:48, Alberto Gomez wrote:
>>> Sorry, some corrections on my comments after revisiting the native
>>> client code.
>>> When I said that the timeout used in the execution() method (by means of
>>> a system property) was to set a read timeout on the socket, I was only
>>> talking about the Java client. In the case of the native clients, the
>>> timeout set in the execute() method is not translated into a socket
>>> timeout but it is the time to wait for the operation to complete, i.e.,
>>> to get all the results back.
>>> Things being so, I would change my proposal to:
>>> - Change the implementation of execute() on both Java and native clients
>>> to be non-blocking (having the blocking/non-blocking behavior
>>> configurable in the release this is introduced and leaving only the
>>> non-blocking behavior in the next release).
>>> - Either remove the execute() with timeout methods in the native clients
>>> (with a deprecation release) or implement the execute(timeout) method in
>>> the Java client to be blocking (to work as the native client does
>>> today). In case the method times out, the connection will not be closed.
>>> If the operation times out due to the socket timeout (system property),
>>> then the connection will be closed as it is now done in the Java client.
>>> - Do not implement the blocking execute(timeout) method on the server
>>> and leave the current execute() implementation on the server as it is
>>> (non-blocking)
>>> Does this make sense?
>>> -Alberto
>>> On 29/8/19 12:56, Alberto Gómez wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> Discussing these matters by e-mail is getting tricky.
>>> Let's see if I understand you correctly and also if I am being clear
>>> enough.
>>> Please, see my comments inline.
>>> On 29/8/19 0:49, Dan Smith wrote:
>>> Sorry for the slow response, I've been trying to decide what I think
>>> is the
>>> right approach here.
>>> For (1) - conceptually, I don't have a problem with having both blocking
>>> and non blocking methods on Execution. So adding blocking versions of
>>> execute() with a timeout seems ok. But I do think if we add them we
>>> need to
>>> implement them on both the client and the server to behave the same way.
>>> That shouldn't be too hard on the server since execute(timeout) can just
>>> call getResult(timeout) internally.
>>> We have to take into account that, currently, the timeout in execute()
>>> is not the same thing as the timeout in getResult().
>>> On the one hand, the timeout set in execute() (via System property in
>>> the Java client, and with a parameter in the native client) sets a
>>> readtimeout on the socket which just means that if nothing is read
>>> from the socket after sending the request to the server for the given
>>> timeout, the corresponding exception will be thrown. It looks to me
>>> more like a protection against possible communication failures rather
>>> than a mechanism to decide if results took too long to be provided. So
>>> I would not link the presence of the timeout parameter in the method
>>> to the nature of the method (blocking or non-blocking). I think we
>>> could have this read timeout set and at the same time keep that method
>>> as non-blocking.
>>> On the other hand, the timeout set in getResult() is a timeout to wait
>>> for all the results to be received from the moment the method is invoked.
>>> Therefore, I would not implement the blocking version of execute() on
>>> the server by calling getResult() at the end.
>>> Apart from that, I doubt if it would make sense to set this
>>> readTimeout in the execute() methods from servers given that the
>>> communication is very different to the one done with clients. I also
>>> doubt that anyone would be interested in the blocking version of
>>> execute() on the server.
>>> My proposal was to add the readtimeout to the execute() methods in the
>>> Java client in order to align the Java client and the native client.
>>> This change would be independent to the decision we make regarding the
>>> change of execute() to non-blocking. To achieve this alignment,
>>> alternatively, we could remove the timeout parameter in execute() from
>>> the native clients and have it as a global property for the client to
>>> be set by whatever mechanism available as it is done in the Java
>>> client today.
>>> Were you proposing that the execute() methods with timeout were
>>> blocking and the ones without timeout non-blocking? Not sure if this
>>> is something you meant.
>>> For (2) - Although I think the original authors of this API probably did
>>> intend for execute() to be non-blocking, the fact is that it does
>>> block on
>>> the client and most users are probably calling execute from a client.
>>> So I
>>> do agree we probably shouldn't change the behavior at this point.
>>> Perhaps
>>> we can just clearly document the current behavior of execute() as
>>> part of
>>> adding these new methods. Going forward we can add new methods to
>>> Execution
>>> that are clearly non-blocking (submit?, invoke?) and implement them
>>> consistently on *both* the client in the server, but that doesn't
>>> have to
>>> be in the scope of this proposal.
>>> The problem I see with adding new non-blocking methods (new/submit...)
>>> is that it would be a solution for the current users of the client
>>> regarding backwards compatibility. But, on the server side, we would
>>> have to move the current logic of execute() which is non-blocking to
>>> the new methods and change the current execute() behavior to blocking.
>>> We would not impact the users of the client but we would impact the
>>> users of the server.
>>> Again, I would propose to aim at:
>>> a) either leave execute() on the client as blocking
>>> b) or change execute() on the client to be non-blocking but on the
>>> Geode release this is introduced, have it configurable. The default
>>> behavior would be blocking (deprecated behavior) but could be set to
>>> non-blocking with a system property. On the next release, the blocking
>>> behavior would be removed.
>>> - Alberto G.
>>> -Dan
>>> On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 4:28 AM Alberto Gomez <
>>>> <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jake,
>>> Please, see my answers below.
>>> On 22/8/19 21:16, Jacob Barrett wrote:
>>> On Aug 21, 2019, at 8:49 AM, Alberto Gomez <
>>>> <>
>>> wrote:
>>> 2. Timeout in ResultCollector::getResult() and Execution::execute()
>>> blocking
>>> Regarding the timeout in the ResultCollector::getResult() method
>>> problem and the blocking/non-blocking confusion for
>>> Execution::execute()
>>> two alternatives are considered:
>>> a) Remove the possibility of setting a timeout on the
>>> ResultCollector::getResult() method on the client side as with the
>>> current
>>> client implementation it is useless. This could be done by removing the
>>> method with the timeout parameter from the public API.
>>> It would be advisable to make explicit in the documentation that the
>>> getResult() method does not wait for results to arrive as that
>>> should have
>>> already been done in the Execution::execute() invocation.
>>> This alternative is very simple and would keep things pretty much as
>>> they are today.
>>> To be honest I think approach would go against what a user “thinks” is
>>> going on. Given that there hasn’t been a timeout on execute I
>>> assumed it
>>> was asynchronous and that the getResult blocked until timeout or
>>> results
>>> arrived. Typically these two calls were done back to back.
>>> You are right if you look at the Java client. But if you look at the
>>> native clients, the timeout is there, both in the C++ and the C# cases
>>> which would indicate that it is a blocking call.
>>> See
>>> and
>>> b) Transform the Execution::execute() method on the client side
>>> into a
>>> non-blocking method.
>>> This alternative is more complex and requires changes in all the
>>> clients. Apart from that it has implications on the public client
>>> API it
>>> requires moving the exceptions offered currently by the
>>> Execution::execute() method to the ResultCollector::getResult() and new
>>> threads will have to be managed.
>>> I think this is more in line with what users expect is going on
>>> based on
>>> the current API, I know I have. If were are going to make any change I
>>> think this is the one. I don’t think the behavior change is a
>>> problem since
>>> it's what is expected to be happening anyway.
>>> An outline of a possible implementation for option b) would be:
>>>    *   Instead of invoking the ServerRegionProxy::executeFunction()
>>> directly as it is done today, create a Future that invokes this
>>> method and
>>> returns the resultCollector passed as parameter.
>>> Do you really think we need to introduce Futures here into the API? I
>>> feel like the ResultCollector acts as the Future. I don’t think any
>>> change
>>> needs to be made to the API in this regard. The ResultCollector
>>> implementation would just simply block as implied by the api for the
>>> timeout period. I would change the method to have units though and
>>> deprecate the method without units.
>>> I did not mean to introduce Futures in the API. My idea was to use Java
>>> Futures internally so that the ResultCollector returned by the
>>> getResult() method would wrap the Java Future with the ResultCollector
>>> that would actually hold the result.
>>> An alternative would be to leave the logic of blocking to each
>>> implementation ResultCollector. In the case of the
>>> DefaultResultCollector, we could use a CountDownLatch that would be
>>> decremented when endResults() is called and that would make getResult()
>>> block by using CountDown.await(...).
>>> The advantage of using Futures internally is that the blocking logic
>>> would not have to be implemented on every ResultCollector
>>> implementation.
>>> -Jake
>>> - Alberto

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