Hello Charles; thanks very much for bringing this up.

I vote +1 on this proposal.

Just to add a bit more details for others:

The 3.0 Servlet Spec was finalized at the end of 2009. The *earliest*
versions of various containers that supported it are:

   - Jetty 8 (EOL'd since 11/2014) [1]
   - Tomcat 7 (Version 6 EOL'd 2017) [2]
   - JBoss Web 3.0.0 (version 2.x reached End of Maintenance 11/2017) [3]
   - Websphere 8.0 (End of support 4/2018) [4]
   - Weblogic 12cR1 (Extended Support until 12/2019) [5]

The implication is that, of these products, there are *no* currently
supported versions that *do not* support the Servlet 3.0 spec. I believe it
is quite safe for us to indicate that the Session Modules are now only
supported on 3.0 compliant containers.


[1] -
[2] - http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html
[3] - https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/jboss_notes
[4] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_WebSphere_Application_Server
[5] -

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 8:11 AM Charles Smith <smith...@macewan.ca> wrote:

> Hello,
> The Geode HTTP Session Management Module for AppServers currently states:
> This approach is a generic solution, which is supported by any container
> that implements the Servlet 2.4 specification.
> I would like to suggest that this official support be bumped up to the
> Servlet 3.0 specification.
> There are some important cookie security features missing in the ancient
> Servlet 2.4 spec, namely the secure and httpOnly flags. Bumping support to
> Servlet 3.0 would allow the Geode AppServer session module to inherently
> support these session cookie security features.
> I have logged the following Jira issue:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GEODE-7438
> and submitted a pull request that provides the necessary support if the
> Geode community agrees this is a good idea.
> And thank you for the excellent Apache Geode project!
> --
> Charles Smith
> Developer/Analyst
> Web Architecture and Development
> MacEwan University
> smith...@macewan.ca

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