> On Dec 1, 2019, at 2:40 PM, John Blum <jb...@pivotal.io> wrote:
> After some modifications to Spring Data for Apache Geode (Spring Data
> Geode; SDG), I was finally able to build SDG with Apache Geode 1.11.
> While I support the modularization effort, I would make it very clear (in
> documentation) now that both geode-logging and geode-serialization are
> required on the application classpath when using Apache Geode.
> Technically, I am not entirely certain about geode-serialization (yet), but
> geode-logging is strictly required to use Apache Geode.  I need to run some
> more tests.

Both are properly listed as runtime scope in the geode-core POM. Is SDG 
creating its dependencies manually or using the transitive dependencies from 
the Geode POMs?


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