It is slightly different, but here is a case I recently found.

List<VersionTag> versionTags = versions.getVersionTags();

This method is internal though.
public List<VersionTag> getVersionTags() {
  return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.versionTags);


> On May 8, 2020, at 1:25 PM, Mark Hanson <> wrote:
> How does everyone feel about situations involving raw types?
> Such as public interface A is returning Region and not Region<K,V> is that an 
> acceptable suppression?
> Thanks,
> Mark
>> On May 8, 2020, at 1:20 PM, John Blum <> wrote:
>> Agreed, but the following (inside tests) does not work in all cases, i.e.
>> Region<String, String> region...
>> Particularly if "region" is passed to a method with a different type
>> signature.
>> I am trying to find/think of the situation I encounter from time to time,
>> even when I use the *wildcard* signature (i.e. Region<?, ?>), but cannot
>> currently find it (*#ugh*).
>> Anyway, the point is, if the test is really not concerned with the type of
>> values (*keys*, *values*) being stored in the mock *Region* then rawtypes (or
>> sometimes Region<?, ?>) are useful in some cases since the point of the
>> test is not about the data but perhaps about *Region* configuration in
>> general, so adding types detracts (adds undue noise) to the code under test
>> (IMO).
>> It depends and is subjective.
>> I agree, though, in general, @SuppressWarnings should be kept to a minimum
>> and used only when necessary.
>> -j
>> On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 1:09 PM Kirk Lund <> wrote:
>>> Actually there is an alternative to using @SuppressWarnings for Mockito
>>> mocks:
>>> Region<String, String> region = cast(mock(Region.class));
>>> private static <T> T cast(Object object) {
>>> return (T) object;
>>> }
>>> Personally, I'd prefer to see warnings or workarounds like above than see
>>> lots of @SuppressWarnings littered throughout our code base. I think it's a
>>> smell of bad code.
>>> On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 12:44 PM Jacob Barrett <> wrote:
>>>>> On May 8, 2020, at 12:41 PM, Donal Evans <> wrote:
>>>>> Is there a consensus on what constitutes a benign warning? I think the
>>>> only
>>>>> times I use @SuppressWarnings is in parameterized tests to suppress the
>>>>> unused method warning for the parameters method, or for unchecked
>>> casts,
>>>> as
>>>>> below:
>>>>> PartitionedRegion detailRegion1 = mock(PartitionedRegion.class);
>>>>> when(cache.getRegion(regionPath1)).thenReturn(detailRegion1);
>>>>> where the thenReturn() would complain, since it's expecting to return a
>>>>> Region<Object, Object>.
>>>>> Would these be considered things that could safely just be ignored (and
>>>> so
>>>>> for which I can turn off inspection), or is the use of
>>> @SuppressWarnings
>>>>> here warranted?
>>>> This is a legitimate suppression. There is no other way to correct the
>>>> dysfunctional nature of Java Generics than to @SuppressWarnings. In this
>>>> case though only that statement should be suppressed.
>>>> -Jake
>> -- 
>> -John
>> Spring Data Team

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