You might also want to look at docker compose so that locator and server can 
run in separate containers.

On 2020-07-08, 12:18 AM, "Mark Hanson" <> wrote:

    Here is a command that actually runs.. 

    You need to be in the Geode directory, the run the command below to start 
    docker run -it -v $(pwd):/apache-geode  openjdk:8 sh -c 
"apache-geode/bin/gfsh -e 'start locator --name=Locator1' -e  'start server 
--name=Server1'" -c "<run a script of my choice>"

    On 7/7/20, 10:42 AM, "Mark Hanson" <> wrote:

        Hi Barry,

        Are you looking for something like this?

        docker run -it -v $(pwd):/apache_geode  openjdk:8 sh -c 
"apache-geode/bin/gfsh -e "start locator --name=Locator1" -e  "start server 
                                ^ shared location                               
    ^ not sure this path is right but you get the idea.


        On 7/7/20, 10:29 AM, "Barry Barrios" <> wrote:

            Do you have Apache Geode examples using docker? Is there a way to 
run a
            docker container that automatically creates locator and server by
            specifying some parameters without typing them in the gfsh shell 
            Also, same for deploying jars, is there a way to automatically 
deploy jars
            when running docker? I was browsing through your apache geode 
            github repo to see if there were examples but didn't find what I was
            looking for.


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