
Even for smaller changes that only need a PR (not a whole RFC) it's a good 
habit to include some detail about the use cases.  Both reviewers and future 
committers benefit from thoughtful commit messages and PR descriptions that 
mention *why*, not just *what* was changed.

On 7/9/20, 6:15 PM, "Dave Barnes" <dbar...@apache.org> wrote:


    "Adding a section" (Udo's language) for Use Cases is a positive way of
    encouraging RFC authors to provide that material, without saying it's an
    iron-clad requirement. Exactly the right way to do it. Commenters can
    request more detail when they review it.

    On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 4:31 PM Donal Evans <doev...@vmware.com> wrote:

    > Udo,
    > You're right, and I agree wholeheartedly with your proposal to give RFCs
    > enough time and enough context for proper review by as many people as
    > possible. Sorry if that didn't come across in my original reply.
    > ________________________________
    > From: Udo Kohlmeyer <u...@vmware.com>
    > Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 3:55 PM
    > To: dev@geode.apache.org <dev@geode.apache.org>
    > Subject: Re: [Proposal] - RFC etiquette
    > Donal,
    > You have very valid points. All of which only pertain to the “HOW” or “IF”
    > an RFC should be written. This being a completely different problem to 
    > I’m proposing. I’m willing to comment on any proposal that were to address
    > these issues. :)
    > This proposal is largely aimed at, if there is an existing RFC, we don’t
    > try and rush it through and provide more context to reviewers to better
    > comment on use case, technical approach or overall soundness of the
    > proposal. If we keep aiming RFC’s at specialized technical knowledge, we
    > will definitely lose reviewers who have not looked at that code in a long
    > time. If the use case(s) are at least described than we can have many
    > reviewers who can comment on the feature or technical approach without
    > being intimate with all the inner workings of the system.
    > I believe this approach will help with an overall better understanding of
    > the systems behavior.
    > —Udo
    > On Jul 9, 2020, 1:46 PM -0700, Donal Evans <doev...@vmware.com>, wrote:
    > While I definitely approve of these proposals in principle (especially the
    > "Use Cases" section, which could really help facilitate discussions around
    > other potential solutions/approaches to a problem), the fact that the RFC
    > process is still entirely voluntary on the part of the contributor(s) who
    > intend to add/modify features in Geode makes me slightly hesitant to add
    > extra work/complexity to it. If someone feels like it's too much effort to
    > write an RFC, they may decide to skip it and go straight to PR, which for
    > large/complex change sets can lead to a lot of missing context for why a
    > particular approach was taken and a greater chance of only one or two
    > committers actually reviewing the changes in detail rather than the larger
    > community being able to weigh in on an RFC.
    > I feel that RFCs can be a very valuable process to help determine the best
    > solution to complex problems, but if there is "too much" work involved in
    > creating one and nothing compelling committers to write them, we may end 
    > losing out on the value they provide. Perhaps the community could agree on
    > some criteria for work that would *require* an RFC, related to the
    > scope/breadth of the intended changes and how many different approaches
    > there might be? This would have to go hand-in-hand with a commitment from
    > the community to promptly and thoroughly review RFCs, though, otherwise
    > people could end up being put to the trouble of writing a comprehensive 
    > only to have barely any actual feedback.
    > ________________________________
    > From: Udo Kohlmeyer <u...@vmware.com>
    > Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:18 PM
    > To: geode <dev@geode.apache.org>
    > Subject: [Proposal] - RFC etiquette
    > Hi there Geode Dev's
    > I would like to propose the following changes to the RFC process that we
    > have in place at the moment.
    > 1. All submitted RFC’s will provide a minimum 2 week review period. This
    > is to allow the community to review the RFC in a reasonable timeframe. If
    > we rush things, we will miss things. I’d rather have a little more time
    > spent on the RFC review and getting the approach “correct” than rushing 
    > RFC and then at a later point in time (either at PR review or worse
    > production issue) find out that the approach was less than optimal.
    > 2. Add a new section to the RFC. I would like to propose this section to
    > be labelled “Use Cases”. In this section I would like all submitters to
    > describe the use case that this RFC is to fulfill. This would include all
    > possible combinations (success and failure) and expected outcomes of each.
    > I hope with the additions to the RFC process and template we can better
    > round out each RFC. Causing less delays later in the process and allowing
    > all community members to actively participate in the review process
    > regardless of technical skill level.
    > Thoughts or comments?
    > —Udo

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