Hi Geode Devs,

First of all, Udo, thanks for your proposal. I am all up for what you are 
aiming at: "better round out each RFC. Causing less delays later in the process 
and allowing all community members to actively participate in the review 
process regardless of technical skill level."

Secondly, I think I am to blame for having given two little time to review the 
latest RFC I have published. I apologize for it. I felt the changes were too 
small, assumed that the solution was not problematic and as a result gave less 
than a week to review which I now think is too little even if the RFC content 
was small. This has probably triggered Udo's proposal so, in a way, it has not 
been such a bad thing 😉.

Regarding the concrete proposal to achieve the goal, I think the 2 week minimum 
period is very reasonable. The new use case section may help to have more 
community members actively participating but I am not sure that it will be the 
definitive measure. I feel that sometimes the lack of participation comes from 
lack of time because we're busy with other things and not so much with how the 
RFC proposal has been written. Anyhow, having an example of what this new 
section should look like would be helpful for new RFCs to be written.


From: Udo Kohlmeyer <u...@vmware.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 10:18 PM
To: geode <dev@geode.apache.org>
Subject: [Proposal] - RFC etiquette

Hi there Geode Dev's

I would like to propose the following changes to the RFC process that we have 
in place at the moment.

  1.  All submitted RFC’s will provide a minimum 2 week review period. This is 
to allow the community to review the RFC in a reasonable timeframe. If we rush 
things, we will miss things. I’d rather have a little more time spent on the 
RFC review and getting the approach “correct” than rushing the RFC and then at 
a later point in time (either at PR review or worse production issue) find out 
that the approach was less than optimal.
  2.  Add a new section to the RFC. I would like to propose this section to be 
labelled “Use Cases”. In this section I would like all submitters to describe 
the use case that this RFC is to fulfill. This would include all possible 
combinations (success and failure) and expected outcomes of each.

I hope with the additions to the RFC process and template we can better round 
out each RFC. Causing less delays later in the process and allowing all 
community members to actively participate in the review process regardless of 
technical skill level.

Thoughts or comments?


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