I wouldn't recommend Lombok for production code, primarily because it generates 
code. Generated code occasionally leads to unintended consequences or 
incompatibilities with newer Java versions.  Additionally, it requires as 
3rd-party dependency to gain these capabilities rather than being part of the 
Java language itself.  I'd rather Java include appropriate features for these 2 
concerns, i.e. val & var, much like Kotlin, to more succinctly express intent. 
Even though Java now has var, it is different than Kotlin's var.

I only use Lombok for testing and demoing purposes.

From: Kirk Lund <kl...@apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 12:59 PM
To: dev@geode.apache.org <dev@geode.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Requiring final keyword on every parameter and local 

I'm interested in 
 and I remember John Blum using
it on some projects. I would like to study it and do some perf testing on
it before supporting it for Geode though. In general, I don't like
generated code and it looks like at least some of the features involve
generated code -- that's the only potential downside for me.


On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 12:57 PM Owen Nichols <onich...@vmware.com> wrote:

> Any interest in adopting 
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fprojectlombok.org%2F&amp;data=04%7C01%7Cjblum%40vmware.com%7Cebf313cf7061468b6e8508d904fff633%7Cb39138ca3cee4b4aa4d6cd83d9dd62f0%7C0%7C0%7C637546319662043634%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=yHceAr%2FbQtVTQAmSWxkNYkctPFP8nG6fph0QWLCRaDA%3D&amp;reserved=0
>  in Geode?  Lombok
> allow a more readable "val" vs "var" syntax instead of "final" vs "" which
> could make it easier to do the right thing without "increasing visual
> noise".
> On 4/19/21, 12:40 PM, "Dale Emery" <dem...@vmware.com> wrote:
>     My test for whether enforce a guideline in a PR review is: Would I be
> willing to automate enforcing it in CI?
>     I am -0 on this particular guideline.
>     IntelliJ offers two competing inspections for Java coding style:
>       *   Local variable or parameter can be final
>       *   Unnecessary 'final' on local variable or parameter
>     Both of these are (I think) disabled by default in IntelliJ. And
> neither satisfies my “I’d be willing to automate enforcing it” test.
>     Dale
>     From: Mark Hanson <hans...@vmware.com>
>     Date: Monday, April 19, 2021 at 11:08 AM
>     To: dev@geode.apache.org <dev@geode.apache.org>
>     Subject: Re: [VOTE] Requiring final keyword on every parameter and
> local variable
>     Hi Jake,
>     I agree with everyone's point about final being a useful, I just don't
> find it useful enough to do anything manually across the code base at this
> point.
>     I believe first in foremost in no code warnings. Intellij warns about
> variables that can be final, so I make them final as it finds them. It is
> very rare that I am writing new code at this point. I have spent the last
> year bug fixing other people's code.  From my standpoint, original intent
> is largely moot. So, for me, the question is do I go through code that is
> not mine and mark it all as final (where appropriate)? Sure, in code that I
> touch. In code the rest of the codebase, I think there are bigger fish to
> fry before we get to final.
>     It seems like the larger portion of the consensus is to recommend that
> variables are marked final (where appropriate) as we find them or create
> them.
>     That seems like the going forward approach consensus.
>     I will be blunt though. This seems nitpicky *compared* to the number
> of code warnings there are and the fact that people are not actively fixing
> all of the warnings.
>     If we don't come to the same consensus about all warnings this seems
> like painting a rusted car, sure it makes it all look the same, but does
> very little for the underlying problems. Now to undermine my own argument a
> little, I think that especially in release blockers, we want to touch as
> little code as possible, so I am flexible there.
>     I would also like to agree with Udo about final really not being very
> good compared to Mutable and Immutable objects in other languages.
>     Thanks,
>     Mark
>     On 4/15/21, 7:49 PM, "Udo Kohlmeyer" <u...@vmware.com> wrote:
>         @jake, you are correct, I did miss the LOCAL variable out of the
> subject. :face_palm:
>         Yes, adding "final" to LOCAL variables will be HUGELY beneficial
> in this regard. Have we seen any performance improvement after having
> refactored this method? Have you been able to measure any improvements?
>         --Udo
>         On 4/15/21, 1:19 PM, "Jacob Barrett" <jabarr...@vmware.com> wrote:
>             > On Apr 14, 2021, at 7:46 PM, Udo Kohlmeyer <u...@vmware.com>
> wrote:
>             > @Jake the idea of smaller methods is great and we should
> ALWAYS strive for that. But that argument is completely irrelevant in this
> discussion. As making method arguments final does not naturally guide a
> developer to creating smaller methods. Nor does a smaller method mean it
> can/will be jitted. Too many factors (to discuss here) are part of that
> decision, also it is not relevant in this discussion. But more on that
> topic read THIS.
>             The original subject is in regards to parameters and local
> variables.
>             Irrelevant is certainly an opinion you are welcome to have but
> let me challenge you. Goto DistributedCacheOperation._distribute().
>             First challenge, look at around line 333:
>             boolean reliableOp = isOperationReliable() &&
> region.requiresReliabilityCheck();
>             Without scrolling do you see that variable used? Nope, because
> it is first used on line 439, ~100 lines away. Does it mutate between
> there, well I can search for all uses and find out or I could be nice to
> the next person and intend for it to never mutate by adding final. Intent
> communicated!
>             Second challenge, mark all the local variables in the method
> as final. Now make it compile without introducing more mutable variables.
> At the end of this journey you will have about a dozen unit testable
> methods and a _distribute method that goes from ~370 lines to  ~90 with no
> mutable local variables.
>             I argue it is relevant as good guardrail for writing good
> code. While we should ALWAYS strive for it we don’t. Every little nudge
> helps.
>             -Jake

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