I think it’s confusing to start with 9.0 when the prior releases were a 
commercial product, not an open source project.

Groovy maintained its versioning pattern when it entered ASF but it has always 
been OSS and the prior versions are still available.


> On Jan 8, 2016, at 3:16 PM, Greg Chase <g...@gregchase.com> wrote:
> Greetings community,
> Whether it was a typo or intended, I've seen some recent discrepancies in
> how we are "numbering" the first release of Apache Geode.
> Given that this software has a long commercial heritage that previously
> ended  in version 8.x, I could see we might choose to label it "9.0" given
> the major platform changes that have occurred.
> However, I totally understand if its numbered "0.x" or "1.x Alpha" since
> this is its first release as an Apache project.
> Personally, I'd like to see a "9.0 Alpha" since this software is some
> serious stuff solving some major problems in its prior ownership model.
> -Greg

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