I'm working on the new deployer not the old one.  As per the
"proposed deployer syntax" message, this one actually offers a JSR-88
start method while the server is not running, which equates to updating
the config list to include the module.  I'd rather not start the server to 
do that...  Also, the bulk of the feedback on the thread before that was 
that having two tools to handle deployment tasks was bad.


On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, Jeremy Boynes wrote:
> The other thing is that the --install option does just that - install 
> but not start (it is meant to be similar to JSR-88 distribute).
> I believe this can be better solved by adding an option to server.jar 
> that adds a new configId to the list to be run, something like:
> java -jar bin/server.jar --add my/new/config
> --
> Jeremy

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