Dear John,

The Apache Geronimo PMC has voted to offer you commit status on the Apache Geronimo project.

Thank you for your participation so far in the project, and we all are excited to have you as a committer.

Please let us know if you wish to accept this offer.

If you accept, we need the following :

0) your preferred username (sissonj?, jsisson?) for
   your apache account and email address

1) You need to sign an Individual Contributor License
   Agreement, found here :

  (PDF looks nicer)

  This document is required for commit access.  Please
  fax that to the FAX # found on the form.  You have a
  chance of things going faster if you ALSO fax to

2) If possible, get your employer to sign a Corporate
   Contributor License Agreement, found here :

   This is optional, but encouraged.  This document shows
   that your employer knows and accepts that you are
   contributing to the project.  There are lots of good
   reasons to get this done if you can.



Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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