That is correct. For any standalone technology that is being released
outside of J2EE, you need to pass the standalone version of the TCK.
The tests are not always the same, as there are some additions and
subtractions based on the requirements of
how the technology is defined to work outside of J2EE.
| It depends on the specifications the subproject is implementing
and if
| Sun has a stand-alone tck for the specifications. For example,
if it
| were the Geronimo 'just a webserver edition' we could certify it for
| servlets and jsp because they have standalone tcks, but if it
were tx
| and jca we could not certify it since there are no standalone
tcks for
| those specs.
Understood. My main question was if there was some sort of
on the use of 'full system' pass/fail statistics for those pieces that
do, in fact, have their own tcks. [I don't view this as a roadblock to
anything, but a definite plus if each individual piece that was able
(due to having and passing their own tcks) could state it passes.]
Yes. If you want to know if the servlet part works on it's own, you
need to test it on it's own