On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 02:25:32AM -0700, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
> I would also like to chime in and thank those people who worked on the 
> security and interop tests.
> Jeff Genender from Virtuas jumped right in and cranked out the JACC 
> tests in no-time.  Not only did he come in cold and dove into the 
> intricacies of JACC and our implementation, he also was able to tangle 
> with some hairy TCK issues; I am prohibited from going into details but 
> suffice it to say he has some nasty bite marks you know where.  Special 
> thanks to Nachi, Jeff's wife, for putting up with her absent husband.
> Dain Sundstrom from IBM who didn't take technical limitations as a final 
> answer and coded around the obstacles we ran into.  We ran into many 
> dead-ends but it was his can do attitude that got us through.  Dain was 
> able to dig into the intricacies of IIOP and come up with some great 
> solutions in an incredibly short time.  Dain was instrumental in 
> coordinating the interop effort and was able to make sure that resources 
> filled in gaps.  Special thanks Marleta for putting up w/ an absent Dain 
> and for, well, pretty much putting up w/ Dain.
> David Jencks, also from IBM.  There is no piece of the Geronimo server 
> that David hasn't had a significant hand in and interop was no 
> exception.  We didn't get to see him too much at JavaOne because he was 
> holed up in a hotel room with Dave Blevins, cranking out tests.  Not 
> many people know that David took the TCK effort so seriously that he 
> vowed never to cut his hair or shave until all the tests passed.  We all 
> eagerly wait to see the new David.  ;)


> Thanks again guys!

+ 100000....

Awesome work guys!


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