On 5/07/2005 1:55 PM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

On Mon, 4 Jul 2005, Jeremy Boynes wrote:
        I want to get the key generator changes in for M4.  However, I'm
currently blocked because I can't add the new module to TranQL.  So I'd
like to resolve that before the branch.  Other than that, I'm fine to go
ahead with the 24 hour notice.
I don't think this is a pre-req for M4.

        Why not?  The feature has the support of the group.  The code is
ready, the test pass, the itests pass, the TCK passes.  If you'd like to
-1 it please provide a technical reason.
I do not see a technical reason; yet, I see a release management reason. This is an enhancement and hence this may be classified as a non pre-requisite. Conversely, the fact that the running module list is not saved is a bug and I do not think that a release should procede with a single known bug.

It really depends on how we want to proceed; yet, in the case of a feature freeze, I assume that features have been locked down.

At this stage, I think that the feature freeze gate has not yet been reached - I may be wrong. If this gate has not yet been reached, then you may have the time to add the feature.


        Myself, I'd prefer to get it in to M4 because it involves a change
to the EJB deployment syntax.  I'd like to put it in a stable release
ASAP.  And the syntax of that plan has changed since M3 already.


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