I saw that too, our nightly build worked thursday am PST and when I tried last night it failed. I ended up doing cvs checkout as below and use maven build offline for that component to get back to a usable system.


btw even though I've run petstore on several j2ee app servers over the years haven't got a working mysql plan to share yet with geronimo :*( (Jacek seems to be closer than anyone else)


Donald Woods wrote:

Has anyone performed a complete rebuild since the Rev
209655 changes yesterday?  I performed a clean build
using the Wiki steps of -
  $ svn checkout
  $ cd geronimo
  $ maven m:fresh-checkout
  $ maven m:rebuild-all
and during the rebuild-all, I'm receiving the
following during the Geronimo :: Assembly build -
  The build cannot continue because of the following
unsatisfied dependency:
The above JAR is not located on ibiblio and is not
being created by the rebuild of the latest OpenEJB
source.  Does anyone have a copy of the above JAR they
can send me?


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