Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2005, at 12:01 PM, David Jencks wrote:
>> well,
>> -1000
>> I feel pretty strongly about this too.  Obviously its better to fix 
>> stuff in all branches at once, but it won't always be possible, 
>> especially after 1.3 diverges from 1.0, 2.4 vs 1.1, 5.6 vs 2.1  etc. 
>> At some point you have to say that there are different issues  in
>> different branches, even though the symptom is the same.  I  think the
>> jira guys know of what they speak when the recommend  using multiple
>> entries.
> Good point.  How about we only split an issue when we fix it in one 
> branch and not the others?  I would suspect that this will be a rare 
> event... at lest for a the next few years :)

You could also use sub-tasks in JIRA if those are enabled.  That lets
you keep it as a single issue, but break it out into a couple of pieces
and track their progress individually.  The whole issue remains open
until they're all closed.  Meanwhile, it shows a little graphic of how
many subtasks are complete.

(The JIRA interface for this is pretty nice.  There are a couple of
steps for adding the first subtask, but after that, the main issue
screen shows a little table of subtasks and lets you add a new one by
typing a title in the last row and clicking "Add".)

Just a thought. :)


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