Don't let us stand in your way...  looks good to me...

My only comment after a quick read through is to put the stuff to help people get started right at the top. Sorta like when you get a camera or something it has a 1 page "Instructions for the Impatient" or something. I'd also rather see project overview be the website.

I first thought about two groupings - user/admin and developer, but it's not really clear how things would fall - ex, does app migration go to user or dev?

Anyway, soemthing like

 Hints and Tips


I think what you have for each bucket is great, btw...



On Oct 28, 2005, at 5:52 PM, Hernan Cunico wrote:

Hi All,
Independently of whether we will ever move wiki to confluence or not (there is a lot of discussion on this) still the Apache wiki needs some serious reorganization today.

I think it should be restructured into something easier to browse, making a stronger focus on the Geronimo documentation. We could have sections at the bottom (sort of Appendixes) for all non- documentation related topics (people, contests, etc).

This is the content as it is today:

Logo Contest
Mailing Lists
Issue Tracking
Related Sites
Project Status & Management
Developer Information
ObjectWeb Collaboration
Wiki Sand Box

Most of this information is either redundant on the front page or not relevant (like "Related sites").

My suggestion is to provide a logical flow, from "the generic" to "the specific". Start with a "Project overview", then go with the "Geronimo architecture" and continue with a breakdown of that architecture, ...

The structure I propose may look like a TOC for a book but, dreaming about a perfect world, it would be great if Geronimo can have a sound starting point for our documentation. I see other wiki- like sites and are a lot more organized.

Here is my proposed content for the wiki:

- Apache Geronimo project overview
  - About ASF
  - Licensing

- Architecture
  - GBeans
  - Geronimo kernel
  - Naming
  - Tomcat
  - Jetty
  - Derby
  - Axis
  - TranQL
  - OpenEJB
  - MX4J
  - ActiveMQ
  - ApacheDS
  - ...

- Installation
  - Platforms supported
  - Hardware and software prerequisites
  - Getting the source code
  - Build from the source
  - Installation

- Administration
  - Tools
    start and stop services/servers, deployer.jar, etc
  - Geronimo Web Console
  - Configure resources
    - JavaMail
    - Database
    - ...
  - Logging
  - Backup and recovery
  - Maintenance

- Development
  - Eclipse tools
  - Simple servlet and JSP applications
  - Web applications
  - EJB applications
  - Security applications
  - Web services applications
  - Client applications
  - ...

- Deployment
  - Deployer tool
  - Deployment plans
  - Deploying applications
  - Deploying configurations/resources

- Security
  - Implementation overview
  - Authentication
  - Authorization
  - Security modules
  - Security realms
  - Enabling SSL
  - Programatic security
    - Enabling security for applications
  - LDAP

- Applications migration

- Performance and high availability
  - Scalability
  - Clustering

- Hints and Tips

- Troubleshooting

- Sample applications

- Other interesting resources
  - Wiki SandBox
  - People

I know I'm missing a lot but still wanted to give this first step.

I'm sure with a better structure we can get more people easily invovled on both, producing and consuming, documentation.

Thank you all.


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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