I think the images look awesome as well! I was just around with integrating them into the tools to see what it looks like. Here's some screenshots.


David Blevins wrote:
This is fantastic! And of much superior quality than Matt's "Grey to Great" comment ;)

Excellent work!

I'd like to throw a penny in to the "new website" wishing-well as well.

This is so cool.


On Nov 2, 2005, at 5:08 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

Absolutely stunning. Glenn, you've outdone yourself. Is it possible to get a patch for this and integrate so we can get some functional feedback as well. I think the entire Geronimo team owes you a debt of gratitude for heling to get us out of the Grey console into the Great! console :)

- Matt

Joe Bohn wrote:

When I first saw these I was surprised at what a dramatic difference this is over what we sent to Epiq. As I've already told the Epiq team .... great work!! I also agree that we should spread the style to as many G user interfaces as possible. It would be great if we could come up with some simple format that everything supports - such as all having the banner at the top and perhaps even some shaded "primary tasks" area on the left. The tasks could be navigation choices for the web console, commands for the debug console, primary links for the web page, etc... If we could share the exact image across the build that would really help when making changes.
David Klavon wrote:

Now that there is an official logo image for Geronimo, we thought that it would be useful to extend the color scheme, font style, icon use, etc. across the various user interfaces in the project, and create a common 'visual appearance' for the Geronimo project for v1.0. The Epiq Team, the recent winners of the logo contest, have drafted some ideas of what an integrated suite would look like to get the discussion going in the community. While there are many details to be worked out on each of the respective interfaces, we would like to get the community feedback on the general approach and style. If found favorable, we could begin to create the icon libraries and other style sheets for implementation.

http://www.epiqtech.com/corp/products/technology/opensource/ServerConsoleMain.htm http://www.epiqtech.com/corp/products/technology/opensource/ServerConsoleLogon.htm http://www.epiqtech.com/corp/products/technology/opensource/GeronimoWelcomeScreen.htm http://www.epiqtech.com/corp/products/technology/opensource/DebugConsoleMain.htm http://www.epiqtech.com/corp/products/technology/opensource/DebugConsoleLogon.htm http://www.epiqtech.com/corp/products/technology/opensource/DaytraderLogo.htm

I think the Epiq Team has really showcased their award winning skills in giving Geronimo a professional look and integrated-suite feel that would add great value to the v1.0 delivery. Let us know what everyone thinks...



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