My understanding was that we could ship stuff requiring non-ASL code
so long as it is definitely an "add-on" and not "core functionality". 
But a clarification would be great.


On 12/2/05, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are we sure apache policy allows us to ship the tranql connectors that
> depend on non-open-source stuff in order to compile?  I don't think
> this is clear and think we might want to wait and try to clarify it at
> apachecon.
> thanks
> david jencks
> On Dec 2, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:
> > We should have:
> >
> > Derby (client and embedded) XA
> > DB2 XA
> > Oracle XA
> >
> > Jeremy said he was working on a MySQL XA driver.
> >
> > Matt
> >
> > Aaron Mulder wrote:
> >> Sounds good -- but can you recap the XA drivers that we'll ship with?
> >> Last I heard there was some Oracle code, you've mentioned DB2, and
> >> someone got MySQL working, but right this minute I think Geronimo only
> >> ships with the Derby XA integration, right?  I'm hoping we can include
> >> more for 1.0.
> >> Thanks,
> >>     Aaron
> >> On 12/2/05, Matt Hogstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> I would like to cut a release of TranQL sometime in the next few
> >>> days (perhaps
> >>> Monday).  There has not been a lot of activity in TranQL as of late
> >>> so there is
> >>> no major code going in. In the Vendors and Connector I'm
> >>> experimeting with a few
> >>> changes.
> >>>
> >>> In Vendors I've added connectors for DB2 as an additional vendor.  I
> >>> haven't
> >>> fully tested it out but that shouldn't impact CTS as we're only
> >>> certifying with
> >>> Derby.
> >>>
> >>> In the Connector framework I'm working on a statement caching
> >>> DataSource.
> >>> Again, this does not affect G directly as the Derby code is not
> >>> being modified
> >>> (to the best of my knowledge).
> >>>
> >>> If anyone has any concerns please respond back.
> >>>
> >>> The new versions will be:
> >>>
> >>> TranQL    1.2
> >>> Connector 1.1
> >>> Vendors   1.1
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>>
> >>> Matt
> >>>
> >>>
> >

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