Okay, its up:


I did some initial setup, but there isn't really any content on here just yet.

Right now its using the embedded HSQL db that comes with Confluence standalone. I will switch this to an external once I can resolve how to get one installed in our zone.

I installed several plugins, may install more when I have confirmed they work with Confluence 2.0.

You need to create an account to modify content. Currently the main page is locked down to administrators only.

The main space, and site home page is the MAIN space. I imagine we will create a space for the user guide and admin guides (USERGUIDE10 and ADMINGUIDE10 respectively)... er something like that.

The home page has an example of using tabs, as well as the cool lozenge macro (see the documentation tab).

There is also an Internal space which is only viewable/editable by admins, but contains common images, etc as well as the welcome page content for the dashboard and homepage.

I still need to request an oss license, so right now were have an eval license.

Notifications are currently offline until I can figure out the right smtp server to use, but hopefully I will get that online soon.

More to come, comments and suggestions are welcomed.



On Dec 3, 2005, at 2:32 PM, David Blevins wrote:

On Dec 3, 2005, at 2:14 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

Is there a MySQL database available for Geronimo use? We probably want to use an external RDMBS to back the Confluence setup.

I think it's pretty much vanilla zone with nothing in it really. We got it a month or so ago and haven't done anything with it yet. So you're the first!

I can start with the standalone and we can migrate to an external RDBMS later if there isn't one available right now.

I'm fine with whatever RDBMS you are willing to maintain :)

Also, unless someone has a better suggestion, I'm going to put all of this under /opt/confluence.

Works for me.


PS. Zones looks cool... too bad its not Linux though :-(

Yea, that throws me too.


On Dec 2, 2005, at 6:48 PM, David Blevins wrote:

On Dec 2, 2005, at 5:15 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

I'd love to... but what the heck is a zone?

Awesome! Here is the zone info i am aware of: http:// www.apache.org/dev/solaris-zones.html

I'll set you up an account.


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